Fodselsoppror i Skandinavien - We stand with midwives

27. november 2021  11.30-12.15
Virtuel begivenhed på Facebook
Sammen med brugerorganisationer fra Norge og Sverige - hhv. BirthsRights Norge og Birth Rights Sweden - holder vi et virtuelt arrangement, hvor vi fortæller om situationen på fødeområdet i Danmark, Norge og Sverige fra et brugerperspektiv og fra et jordemoderperspektiv (en jordemoder fra hvert land gæster arrangementet). Vi vil vise vores opbakning til jordemødrene og dele viden og erfaringer om de fælles udfordringer, vi står i, og styrke hinanden i den fælles kamp for bedre vilkår - for fødende såvel som jordemødre - på tværs af landegrænser.
Se eventet og deltag via Facebook her.
Tekst fra Facebookbegivenheden:
Throughout Scandinavia, there is a crisis in midwifery care. This is affecting both families and midwives. For a long time now, midwives have fought for better work conditions and for a better way to care for pregnant and birthing women and expecting and new families. They are NOT being listened to!
In Denmark, midwives are protesting by leaving their jobs in the public health care system and are refusing to go back until their wages are being raised. In stead they are working as temps in the public birthing wards, taking employment and offer their services in the private sector or leaving the profession entirely. Birthing families are protesting alongside midwives by sharing testimonies on the consequences for families organized by the organization Forældre og Fødsel, who are working politically for change and improving birth rights.
In Sweden, midwives are leaving their jobs because of the situation. They are not coming back until better work conditions are promised. Demonstrations are held all over the country supported by the organization Birth Rights Sweden.
In Norway, Bunadsgeriljaen are fighting against more birthing places being shut down and Barselopprøret is fighting for better conditions for families during birth and post natal period. They have received almost one hundred letters from women, describing the lack of help and care due to shortage of midwives and a rigid system. During the pandemic, it is clear women's health and rights have been less important to the decision makers in our countries.
We are working on a program for this event including talks from the organisations mentioned above and from protesting midwives from each of our countries.
We want to support our midwives in Scandinavia with this event. We want to empower both midwives and parents by standing together and by fighting for a better future.
More information to follow…
Engaged greetings from
Mie Ryborg-Larsen, forkvinde i Forældre og Fødsel - Danmark
Cathrine Trulsvik, initiativtager til Births Rights Norge
Lisel Bello Næslund, ordförande i Birth Rights Sweden
The inspiration behind this event is the British #marchwithmidwives that took place last sunday, November 21th, all over Great Britain. Go follow March with Midwives